The Opening of My Ears
The prophet Isaiah
issues a Lenten warning not just to two infamously wayward cities of the
ancient world but ultimately to anyone who would follow Christ today: “Hear
the word of the Lord, princes of Sodom! Listen
to the instruction of our God, people of Gomorrah!” In
today’s Gospel, the Lord Jesus performs a radical linguistic operation on three
titles which had come to sound so familiar in the people’s ears as to become
spiritually distorted sound: Teacher,
Master, Father. Like Isaiah, our Divine
Physician must work first on our ears to reach our hearts.
Although I have in these
daily meditations reflected each day on my jaw surgery, I haven’t really
mentioned exactly my how my ears were vitally involved. They were in fact the gateway through which
my surgeon reached exactly what needed work.
And I don’t just mean persuasive medical counsel---Dr. Piper literally
cut open both of my ears!
To many who initially
inquired about the “how” of my surgery, this revelation came as a great
surprise---they had envisioned worse:
Will he break your jaw? Will your
mouth be wired shut? How is he going to
get that far back in your mouth to cut?, etc.
Sometimes in our medical imagination---as in our spiritual imagination---our
ignorance of the most professional and excellent techniques makes a radical therapeutic
intervention in our life sound more painful (even barbaric) than it really
needs to be.
In any case, Dr. Piper
made a very elegant and virtually hidden incision along the tragus of each of
my ears to gain access from the outside to the joints of my jaw (the tragus is
the cartilage flap just outside the entrance to the ear canal). With careful attention to preserving the
natural shape and normal appearance of the ear, the surgeon made his skilled
entrance inside to do what he needed to do.
Afterward I received post-operative photos showing exactly the damage
and mess that the good doctor found to repair when he had gotten into those
ears! As of now, the very fine stitches
have dissolved and the tissue of the ears is completely healed.
The Letter to the
Hebrews assures us that “the word of God is living and active, sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow,
and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before Him no creature is hidden, but all
are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do” (Heb
When the Word of God,
Jesus Christ, uses what appears to be cutting words in the Gospel---for example,
to relativize words like “teacher,” “master,” and “father” (and hence the
earthly relations which they imply in our minds), He authoritatively and with
great suavity performs this operation to “get inside” our very spiritual organs
of hearing. In this case, Christ will
ultimately relate these three titles to His own Person: “You call me master and teacher, and so I am
. . .”; “ the one who has seen me has
seen the Father.” From this new, divine
starting point, the Spirit of the Risen Lord can re-form these words in the
life of the Church to transform us. We
receive the gifts of spiritual teachers and masters and fathers whose vocation
is to serve---in Christian wisdom, humility, and love through the household of
the Church---the members whose ears must always be opened to inner conversion
of heart.
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